The OLS, fixed effects, and LP coefficient estimates are presented in Table . The estimated Links of London production function coefficients differ substantially from the OLS and fixed effects estimates. This implies that simultaneity and selection bias were present in the OLS and fixed effects estimates. Concerning the LP estimates and for both subperiods, material inputs have the largest output elasticity, followed by energy, and then foreigner engineers. Firmlevel and Aggregate Industry Productivity Indices Using the input coefficients obtained with LP methodology, firmlevel productivity indices are estimated using equation . Links of London Necklaces compare the productivity estimates across pre th and postreform periods we compare the dispersion they imply. Table reports the , th th , and percentiles for each of the eight manufacturing industries in each sub period. Before trade liberalization, the productivity of the median firm increases by . per cent in the manufacturing sector over seven years. Across industries, three industries woodfurniture, paperprinting, and chemicals have increases in productivity for the median firm of . per cent. per cent, and . per cent, respectively over seven years. The remaining five industries show a decline in productivity, with productivity of the median firm falling drastically by per cent in rubberplastic, followed by textileweaving and mechanical electrical, with respectively . and . per cent drop over seven years, Links of London Red Friendship Bracelet then foodprocessing . per cent drop over seven years and beveragetobacco . per cent fall over seven years. TABLE . COEFFICIENT ESTIMATES FOR THE PRODUCTION FUNCTION There is evidence of a narrowing of the crosssectional distributions over time for three industries, and an increased dispersion in the remaining five industries. In particular, the interquartile range IQR falls over time for beveragetobacco, wood furniture, and chemicals industries. Beveragetobacco and chemicals are the industries in th which real output fell over the prereform period. In both industries, the percentile increases aroximately by . and . per cent, respectively over seven years while the th percentile rises respectively by . and . per cent. In these two industries, most of th the narrowing of the IQR comes from the relatively large increase of the percentile. The IQR however increases over time for the remaining five industries Links of London Pewter And White Friendship Bracelet examine. Among these industries, paperprinting and textileweaving have the highest output th growth i.e. and . per cent , respectively over the period. In both cases, the th percentile increases more rapidly than the percentile.
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