We capture the degree of domestic competition Dcom in the industry using the Herfindahl index, which measures Links of London degree of inequality of market shares across firms in an industry. The inclusion of an indicator for exiting firms makes it possible to test for industry rationalization i.e. the disaearance of inefficient firms. Finally, the firmlevel productivity indexes are estimated for the preliberalization period, over which there were significant shocks to the Cameroonian economy. For instance, from through Cameroon went through serious political instability with a campaign of widespread Links of London Red and White and Black Valentine Bracelet violent prodemocracy protests, including significant labor strikes. A dummy variable Dpol for political instability is included in the specification. The augmented version of equation is specified as follows, DATA The firmlevel data for the present study are from the Cameroon National Institute of StatisticsNIS, which gathers data on all manufacturing firms on an annual basis. Though the coverage of the manufacturing sector is incomplete informal firms, for instance, are excluded because of data availability problem, the sample covers large, medium and small formal manufacturing firms. Our sample consists links of london sale firms employing at least permanent workers, and covers the following industries food processing, beverage tobacco, textileweaving, woodfurniture, paperprinting, chemical, rubberplastic and mechanicalelectrical. The analysis is over two different trade policy regime periods. The preliberalization covers the period and consists of a sample of firms while the postliberalization period covers the period and consists of a sample of firms. For each firm and year, we use data on output, labor, raw material expenditures, investment, Links of London Necklaces energy expenditures water, electricity, and fuel. We also observe industry and firm identity codes. This, in addition to the unbalanced nature of the panel, allows us to track firms over time and to get an idea of the exit, survival, and entry of firms in each industry. The variables are defined as follows. Output is the observed production per year.
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