We assume that the effects of liberalization depend on sectoral export shares XS i.e. sectors with high and increasing share Links of London exports are more likely to benefit from the dynamic effects of trade. We capture the intensity of import competition in each sector by the import penetration rate MPR . In the absence of continuous data on the effective rate of protection ERP, we follow Chand et al. and use the effective rate of assistance ERA, which is conceptually analogous to the measure of ERP. The ERA takes account of the value added by giving assistance tariff, quotas, subsidies, etc on both outputs links of london sale intermediate inputs of each of the industries over time. The endogeneity of the previous trade policy variables could be an issue. Instrumental variable estimation is a way to address this issue. However, in the context of Cameroon we do not have good instruments, e.g. political economy determinants of trade policy. To circumvent the endogeneity problem of trade policy, we follow Fernandes and consider the impact of oneperiod lagged trade policy measures on firm productivity growth rates. Productivity growth in some industries may be higher than in others due to factors that we do not fully capture. We therefore allow Links of London Necklaces exogenous differences in productivity growth rates across industries by including industryspecific effects in the specification. We also control for macroeconomic shocks common to all firms by including time effects in the regression. The resulting equation is, Here indicates a oneyear difference. The error term is iid. The impact of trade liberalization on productivity growth may vary according to firm and industry characteristics e.g. capitallabor ratio CLR, size, age, age squared, and degree of domestic competition across industries. Firm productivity increases with age if learningbydoing effects or improvements in the workforce quality are important and if older firms manage to modernize their capital stock. Size may influence the way in which firms are affected by trade liberalization in the presence Links of London Black friendship Valentine Bracelet economies of scale. Increased exposure to foreign competition may increase firm size by increasing the elasticity of demand. On the contrary, import competition may reduce demand, causing contraction in industry and firm size Roberts and Tybout. An increase in capital intensity has generally been considered as one of the main sources of increased productivity.
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