A review of various issues with physical infrastructure and its development shows that there has been an incremental growth in infrastructure Links of London a holistic view is adopted toward its development. However, there is a gap between requirement and availability and with the economy poised for growth, the gap needs to be minimized. This warrants an assessment of the requirement of physical infrastructure in relation to the desired growth in industry. METHOD Based on GSDP from secondary sector for through , we rank the top and the bottom three states Reserve Bank of India, Maharashtra, Gujarat links of london sale Tamil Nadu are the top three and Kerala, Orissa and Bihar the bottom three states. The ranking exclude the newly formed states of Chattisgarh and Uttarakhand, states in the northeast and the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. While the newly formed states are excluded as it is premature to comment on these states, the rest are excluded as the mountainous terrains of this area render development of rail and road challenging, other than defence and strategic reasons Ahluwalia. We consider three infrastructure components railways, roadways and power. Data on secondary sector and infrastructure for these six states are subsequently taken up for study. Measures for the Constructs We use Reserve Bank of India classification and define GSDP from secondary sector to include i mining and quarrying, Links of London Charms manufacturing registered and unregistered, and iii electricity, gas and water supply Reserve Bank of India. We consider three components of infrastructure i density of rail route length kms per " square kms of area, ii density of road length kms per " square kms of area, and iii installed generating capacity of power utilities and nonutilities, megawatt. We consider installed generating capacity of power, as against actual generation of power, to take into account the limit to which electricitypower can be made available if required. Time series data for each of the six states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa and Bihar for the period from to is taken for the measures of constructsSuch a time period is chosen to take care of the economic liberalization process of , as, considering data pre may not lead to meaningful inferences. Based Links of London Frog Charm the survey of literature, we posit that development of physical infrastructure will have a positive impact on the development of the secondary sector for the six states. Accordingly, we frame the following six hypotheses H.
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