Mini truck is supposed to stop t h e decreasing tendency but no high increase will occur,the production Links of London sales volume will be about thousands With the rapid pace of road nstruction and city reform,the production and sales volume of large buses will keep increasing to exceed thousands,along with middle bus market keeping stable and light b us in low speed increase,but very difficult to exceed thousands units.Links of LondoN Classic Oval Bangle t he ntrast,if some efficient means are adopted by mini vehicle enterprises to improve environmental protection such as emission and noise ntrol,mini vehicle will go more rapidly to exceed the production volume of thousands units.T he main impetus for auto market growth in mes from passenger car market.It is estimated that the market demand in the year will be about thou s ands units,of which Links of LondoN Classic Smiley MinX Charm requirement for mpact cars will be thousands,and mini cars thousands.Major work of the auto industry in Hasten structure readjustment and industrial reassociation.Policies should be put up to enurage industrial structure readjustment,assets regrouping,mbination and merger to form large enterprise groups with international mpetition capacity. Boost product development capabilities.In,mpetition between auto enterprises,especially the passenger car manufacturers will be more and more fierce.There should be more and more new auto products presenting on market.Policies should be put Links of London D Charm acrdingly to help to form the selfdeveloping capability of passenger car after generations of product development period. Establish modern market management and sales system.The intern ationally used system should be followed,and auto sales agent system should be spread out to establish sales service network in acrdance with the integrated mode of sales,service,parts supply,information feedback,especially a number of capable auto sales agents with certain scale should be fostered.
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