DISCUSSION Our analysis reemphasizes the elevated risk of TB disease among HIV-infected individuals. Unlike the significant declines in TB rates observed among the US-born HIV-infected population, there were no Links of London Power Walk Charm declines among the foreign-born. This issue is not only a concern in New York City, where the population is Links of London 36% foreign-born,14 but to the United States as a whole, as immigrants fromhigh-TB-burden countries continue to settle in areas other than large cities.15,16 The observed rise in TB cases among HIVinfected foreign-born Links of London Big Rock 'Diamond' RinG Charm is also troubling. One possible explanation for this finding could be the nationalities of recent immigrants to New York City. As of 2000, 24% of the foreign-born population in New York City was from the Caribbean or Africa,14 areas with high TB incidence; in 2006, 56% of new HIV diagnoses among New York City's foreign-born were among those of Caribbean origin.17 Further evaluation is needed to determine if there is a true increase in TB rates among HIV-infected foreign-born Blacks and to provide focused interventions if warranted. Links of London Dome Jade Charm our knowledge, this is the first populationbased analysis of TB rates among HIV-infected persons. Limitations include the potential underestimation of the HIV-infected population in New York City; thus, misestimates of TB rates in this population are possible. Also, approximately 22% of the HIV-infected population had an unknown country of birth, potentially causing overestimates of rates by country of origin.
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